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* Some people think that it's okay to reprint copyrighted documents without permission, if they give proper credit or don't gain from it. This is simply not true. It is against the law to steal copyrighted materials for any use. That's precisely what a © copyright notice means, which is why EmployeeIssues.com displays such a notice near the bottom of every page.
Others think that it's okay to reprint copyrighted materials without permission, after they change or shuffle a few words, sentences or paragraphs. This is also not true. Paraphrasing or reformatting another's written work does not evade copyright law. Plagiarism is what colleges and universities call this act of copyright infringement. One's work must be 100-percent original to avoid copyright infringement.
Still others assume that the legal principle of "fair use" gives them automatic permission to reprint copyrighted materials for any purpose. But this is not true either. Fair use is not automatic permission; rather it is defense strategy in a court of law to challenge a charge of copyright infringement.
Fair use is narrowly limited to special circumstances, such as quoting a small portion of a copyrighted work with proper credit. A court is highly likely to invalidate the fair-use defense, when a defendant has quoted more than necessary to fit the purpose or reprinted enough to adversely affect the copyright owner. The courts consider at least four factors to determine whether or not fair use is a valid defense.
To be sure, never assume it's okay to reproduce copyrighted materials in any form without expressed, written consent from the copyright owner. Otherwise, you might be setting yourself up for a copyright or intellectual rights lawsuit that you'll lose at great expense. There are several resources on the Web that explain fair use, copyright infringement, intellectual rights violations and plagiarism. An
attorney who specializes in intellectual-property legalities will be happy to explain.